We chose TRICK! Alex wanted to have a Halloween party for some of the boys at his school. He invited 10 boys and 6 of them made it. While he was gone with the high school band Saturday morning, Terry and I worked hard to set up a spooky trail.
Fire pit for the grown ups ready!
Food table ready!
We fed the boys hotdogs and chips and then we walked along the trail just after dark. Alex was scared first by a talking head that dropped out of nowhere to tell them to turn back. I did not get a chance to take his picture! We we got to the first corner, I stopped to count and make sure everyone was there and let them go on ahead of me. They walked into a large spider web! We kept going and this pulley system:
flew 3 glowing trash-bag ghosts across the 1 acre field. They were not so scary as they were moving away from us but as they came back up the line, I had a boy stuck to the front of me hugging and yelling:
"I don't want to die! I'm too young to die!" They finally noticed the pulley system and started to breathe again.
Every time we would hear a noise, I would turn the flash light of and they would all freeze and hush. OHHHH THE CONTROL!!!! LOL As we kept going, we went under a black light and came up on another floating ghost. They kept waiting for it to come after them but it did not move. :)
Onward we trudged and came up to my little friend:
She was way too quiet and didn't scare them much.
I told them some of the history of our property including the Choctaw Indians who once lived there and the Stage Coach route that crossed the top edge. Then I added a little fictional history about train tracks that crossed our land. Just after I got through with this part, Andrew and Nancy (parents of one boy) jumped out behind them flashing a flashlight and screaming. I thought I was going to be run over......lol. We kept walking and turned the corner into our front yard which connects to a smaller trail. As soon as all the boys where down the smaller trail, the "ghost train" appeared in the form of a high powered spot light and air horn. I haven't seen them run that fast before! Their little hearts finally slowed back down and we rounded the last corner meeting this friend:
He was loud and bright and freaked them out one last time! They settled down, and got drinks and candy to refresh themselves and then played flashlight tag for over an hour.
I think a good time was had by all:
I know I enjoyed myself! I have 7 11-12 year old boys standing really close to me to "protect" me. I've never felt so safe! ;-)