Sunday, October 16, 2011

Adventures in Chicken Farming - Day 178

Yesterday was an exciting day in the life of chicken farming.  I went to sit on the front porch and was joined by Rosie.  

She did not want company though.  She proceeded to pick off my blossoms one by one - swallowing and smiling!  While watching her slowly eat my flowers, I noticed a hawk flying by.  The rooster alerted the hens and they all ran for cover - except Cleo.

This is Cleo, or Cleopatra, queen of the coop.  I counted again and found everyone but Cleo.  

So, I started searching.  Alex and a friend had been around the trail early in the day so I was afraid she had followed them and gotten eaten or lost.  I walked part of the way around the trail, towards the road, checked in the nesting boxes, everywhere I would think of.  No Cleo to be found.  When I called for her, Max and Scooter were listening and watching too.  I decided I better collect the eggs as it was getting close to dusk and I wasn't taking a chance on fighting a snake in the dark (Another chicken adventure story!).  I collected the eggs into our basket.  On the way back to the house I noticed Scooter standing on the pile of cedar logs.  He would jump to the top and then down the the ground.  I set the eggs on the corner of the porch since the dogs were occupied.

Here is where I found Cleo, between the 2 and third log in from the right on the ground.  She must have been searching for bogs, mice, or frogs and gotten stuck.

After much careful shifting, straining, pulling and cajoling, I was able to pull her out backwards.  She had both wings wedged and I had to unstick her from the logs around her.  She was NOT happy with me.  I checked her out and nothing seemed to be amiss other than being very hungry.

When I got done saving Cleo from herself, I walked back around to the porch and Scooter was eating something.   ONE OF THE EGGS!  Max had taken them out of the basket, thinking they were balls I guess, and given me and Scooter an easter egg hunt!  
I found 3 and Scooter found 2,  Mine were unbroken - Scooter's were eaten!  I put all chickens and dogs to bed hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.

So this morning I get up and let the chickens out for the day.  Rosie must have told a friend about the buffet as Luci decided she was eating my flowers today!

I've also learned that Cleo has a fascination for small places like the holes in the cinder blocks.

Behind the floor of the junk room, in a bookshelf, under a box of flashlights, between all the storage bins, between the deck on the dog pen, and that was all in 15 minutes.  Either she has figured out that is where the good bugs hide or she is just not real bright!  LOL

I was hoping she has learned not to go into the cedar pile again.  NOPE!

And today - she invited FRIENDS!

Having chickens is like having 15 three year olds running around in the back yard!  I need to do some Cleo-proofing!


  1. I am so glad you found Cleo in the wood pile and that you got her out safe and sound. It was great that Scooter was so helpful in her rescue. Max decided to reward Scooter for his efforts! lol!!

    My very first reaction as I started reading today's blog, however, was:
    She has a chicken named Rosie??"


  2. Cute story. Our chickens find the best bugs in our wood pile. They have a one track mind. :]

  3. I love reading about your chickens. After my hubby died, I gave away all my chickens to good homes. I miss the organic eggs, though and they cost so much at the store. Reading your chicken stories remind me of all the good memories that I have of my chickens. :)
